The Complete Guide to Becoming a Full-Stack Web Developer

The Complete Guide to Becoming a Full-Stack Web Developer

Tips, Tools and Resources, Web Development - A Beginners Guide 💡.

Hello, dear fellow community members this is my first development article to publish on hash node today. I hope you will find it more insightful without any doubts. So in this article, we are going to learn more about The Complete Guide to Becoming a Full-Stack Web Developer step by step.

If you're an absolute beginner and want to learn web development, it can seem like an endless journey. There's just so much to learn! How do you know where to start? We've put together this complete guide for beginner web developers who want to get started with the basics of HTML, CSS, JavaScript and more. This is a comprehensive guide that will help you become a professional front-end web developer in no time. Know The Basics Of HTML, CSS & JavaScript

If you want to become a front-end web developer, it’s absolutely essential to know the basics of HTML, CSS and JavaScript. These three languages are the foundation of every website you visit. They form the structure of your code and allow you to build up more complex elements.

What is HyperText Markup Language (HTML)?

HTML is used for marking up content on a page and is usually written in plain text with special tags denoting different elements. This can be as simple as a <p> tag for paragraphs or a <h1> tag for titles. It’s also possible to add styling using CSS (cascading style sheets) which can be applied directly to the HTML or inline using <style> tags. Finally, JavaScript is a scripting language that allows you to create interactive web pages by adding functionality such as forms, animations and games. It’s one of the most powerful tools in a front-end web developer’s arsenal.

Cascading Style Sheets aka CSS

HTML and CSS are both fairly simple to learn, so I’d recommend starting with those first. You can read a complete beginner’s guide to HTML here, and a beginner’s guide to CSS here. Once you’ve got to grips with the basics, it might be worth taking a look at some more advanced tutorials that explain some of the more complicated aspects of these languages. The HTML & CSS section on the Tuts+ network is full of great resources, and there are also a few decent books on the subject.

Once you have a good handle on HTML and CSS, it might be worth taking a look at JavaScript. If you want to learn how jQuery works (it’s actually just JavaScript), then I recommend reading this article which will teach you everything you need to know about jQuery in under 30 minutes. It should give you an idea of whether or not you want to learn more about JavaScript.

If you do, then I recommend reading this book by Zed Shaw. You can read it online or download it for free here. It takes a bit of a different approach to the traditional ‘Teach Yourself, X, in 24 hours’ style of book, but it’s full of useful information that will help you understand JavaScript and learn how to use it effectively.

Once you’ve got a good understanding of HTML, CSS and JavaScript, you should be ready to start learning how to use jQuery. As with HTML and CSS, there are thousands of tutorials on the subject, but here are two great ones:

Once you have a good grasp on how jQuery works, take a look at this article which explains how Backbone works. If your interest is piqued by Backbone then I highly recommend reading the official documentation which explains everything in detail (there are also some great tutorials on the Tuts+ site).

And that’s it. You now understand how HTML, CSS and JavaScript to work, you know how to use jQuery, and you’re ready to start learning Backbone.js!

What is Backbone?

Backbone is a JavaScript library that provides structure to web applications by providing models with key-value binding and custom events, collections with a rich API of enumerable functions, views with declarative event handling, and connects it all to your existing API over a RESTful JSON interface.

That’s taken directly from the official documentation for Backbone.js, so feel free to read through it if you want more information about what exactly Backbone does. In this article, I’m going to be assuming that you have a basic understanding of what Backbone is (or at least enough knowledge to understand the code examples), but if there are any questions then feel free to ask in the comments section below the article!